Forbidden Knowledge News Con 2020 !

Forbidden Knowledge News Con will be the most amazing ONLINE conference of 2020. We live in unprecedented times that call for new and innovative ways to present conferences and share information. We will be adding more speakers and updated information in the coming days. Join us for the most extraordinary event of 2020!!

May 28th – 31st be a part of the most extraordinary event of 2020! 4 days, 14 presenters disclosing unprecedented information you won’t hear anywhere else, Forbidden Knowledge News Con 2020! This will be an interactive ONLINE conference featuring some of the most brilliant and influential authors, researchers, scientists, truth seekers, contactees and experiencers of our time.
The presentations will cover Ufology, paranormal, conspiracies, secret societies, the occult, consciousness, hidden history, and so much more, all from the comfort of your own home!
Full 4 day conference attendance is only $49.99!! That is a fraction of the cost of any other conference. Visit right now to sign up!

Speaker Schedule for Forbidden Knowledge News Con 2020!
Thursday May 28th:
*Jonny Enoch*
6-7pm EST – Stargates, Serpentine Energy, Ancient Esoteric Knowledge

*Charlie Robinson*
7-8pm EST – The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire

*Brad Olsen*
8-9:30pm EST – Mysteries and Anomalies of Antarctica and South America

*JP Hague*
9:30-11pm EST – The Case & Evidence For The Ultraterrestrials and The Superspectrum
Friday May 29th:
*Doug Valentine*
6-7pm EST – Deep State/CIA Psychological Warfare, Mind Control, and Culture Creation

*Matthew Lacroix*
7-8pm EST – Reviewing a 200,000 Year timeline of History, Sophistication of Lost Civilizations, Disasters of the Younger Dryas, and Lost Civilizations

*Barry Littleton*
8-9:30pm EST – Contact Experiences, and How the Modalities Of Contact Don’t Conform to Mainstream Accounts

*Deep Prasad*
9:30-11pm EST – Implications of Increased UFO Sightings During a Pandemic
Saturday May 30th:
*James Keenan*
1-3pm EST – Mysterious Utah Basin, Portals, and, Skinwalker Ranch

*Dean McMurray*
3:30-5:30pm EST – The Military Medium, Psychic Modalities, Live Psychic Readings

*Cory Hughes*
6-8pm EST – Looking back at the Assassination of JFK, New Profound Evidence and Revelations
Sunday May 31st:
*Laura Eisenhower*
11am-1pm EST – The Global Showdown of Forces, Ongoing Competing Agendas, and Protecting our Human Sovereignty

*Karen Holton*
1-3pm EST – The Intergalactic Resettlement Program, What is it? What to Expect and How to Prepare

*Billy Carson & Matthew Lacroix*
3:30-5:30pm EST – Ancient civilizations, Secret Texts, Energy, Anunnaki-Archons, Nature of Reality, and Ancient civilizations on Mars and Earth

*Billy Carson*
6-8pm EST – How To Activate The Law Of Attraction, Quantum Physics and Esoteric Wisdom that Help to Create our Reality.

Forbidden Knowledge News Con 2020!

This will be a blast, lots of good and new information from Credible Researchers, Ufologist and Contactee’s.  I love this stuff and if you get a chance to participate in this Conference Share your feedback with us . Love To All  We are the Stepping Stones in History being made and taking back what has been stolen and denied to us for Decades. We forgive but Never Forget !!!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.

WE ARE THE DISCLOSURE !!! ~~~ WE HAVE NEVER BEEN ALONE!!! This a great topic to listen to. Hope You Enjoy ! Go Q !!!

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

LOL= LOVE OF LIFE, (We all matter!)

Love and Regards, Happy Quarantine !

Thank You,

Nancy Thames




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