Encounters When Extraterrestrials Healed People

Over the years, there have been many stories of extraterrestrials / alien beings healing afflicted humans. Many of these accounts are hard to fathom, but there are a few that make one wonder about the authenticity of the claim.



Heart Repair

On August 7, 1989, real-estate broker Katharina Wilson or Portland, Oregon was injured by a nearby lighting strike while staying in Pensacola, Florida. She knew she had been injured by the strike, but decided to wait until morning in the hopes that her condition would improve.


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That night, Katharina was taken aboard a UFO. She woke up to find herself lying on a table, suffering from excruciating chest pains. As Katharina watched from a dissociated state, gray-type aliens cut a square into her chest and attached a black mechanism with several extensions to the hole in her chest.


When the pain became particularly intense, the aliens telepathically told her, “We are repairing your heart. You will be okay now.”


The next morning, Katharina woke up with a sore chest, but was otherwise healthy. As she says, “The first thing I did when I got out of bed was to look for a scar of a square cut into my chest. I found nothing. No blood on my sheets and no scar.



Alien abduction


“My chest was sore throughout the day, but it was not as sore as I would have expected it to feel after such a radical operation.


“ I believe this machine they had over my heard was realigning the electrochemical impulses in my heart because they had been altered by the lightning… somehow I believed the aliens were repairing the damage the high voltage of the lightning had done to my heart.”


Katharina reports that she has undergone a large number of operations at the hands of aliens. As she says, “The have performed surgery on me many, many times!


“It was shocking to remember the different times the aliens had performed surgery on me…What could the aliens be doing to me that would require my having surgery so often? It was not the first time I felt I may be a part of a huge experiment.”



Gator Bite

On September 3, 1965, two police officers, Patrol Deputy Robert W. Goode and Chief Deputy Billy McCoy were driving along Highway 36 South in Damon, Texas. The two officers were returning from a high school football game.


Deputy Goode was suffering from a painful although minor injury. He had been bitten on the left index finger by his son’s pet baby alligator. The finger was red and swollen.


Suddenly, Chief Deputy McCoy saw strange lights rising from the right side of the road. He pulled the patrol car off the road and pointed out the lights to Deputy Goode. When Goode looked, he too saw the lights. At this point, the lights moved towards the police officers.


They weren’t able to see any detail until the lights were very close. The object approached closer and shone down a beam of light on the officers. As McCoy says, “The inside of the car was lit up by the bright light.”


Goode’s left arm with his injured finger was hanging outside of the window when the beam struck. As Goode says, “I could feel the heat from the light. We got out of there.”



It was shortly after they left the area that Goode noticed that his finger was no longer throbbing with pain. As he says, “I suddenly realized it was no bothering me and I pulled off the bandage. Hell, you couldn’t tell I had ever been bit.”


McCoy verified Goode’s story, saying, “The swelling had disappeared and the finger looked a lot better.”



Pregnant Woman Cured of Leukemia

An overjoyed mother-to-be from Berlin, Germany says aliens took her aboard a spaceship – and cured her of leukemia!


“They saved my life and the life of my child,” says Greta Brandt, who was 34 at the time.



“My own doctors said we were doomed and there was nothing they could do for us.


“But those strange men knew exactly what to do. They used all sorts of strange lights and instruments to cure me of the killer leukemia.”


Dr. Frans Wenderoth, the woman’s obstetrician, confirmed that she developed leukemia, but miraculously she no longer shows any signs of having the terminal disease.


The doctor refused to discuss her alleged encounter with extraterrestrials but conceded, “that something miraculous must have happened to have given her this cure.”


Mrs. Brandt herself insists that she was abducted by four aliens who subjected her to terrifying but painless medical procedures before releasing her. She was unharmed.



“I found out that I was pregnant and had leukemia on the same day in December,” said Mrs. Brandt.


“In fact, I had just about made up my mind to take my own life when two men with long pointed noses and ears approached me as I was getting into my car.


“When I turned toward them they looked at me with piercing black eyes and motioned me to follow.


“I wanted to resist but couldn’t. They seemed to have a strange power over me that I couldn’t shake off.”



She followed the strangers into a vacant lot several miles from her home. Then she was taken aboard a saucer-shaped UFO that was “a pulsating bluish color, about the size of a school bus.”


Once inside the aliens ushered her into a dark circular room, where she was placed on a padded table and strapped down.


“One of them pulled a large instrument and light down from the ceiling and pointed it in my face.


“I didn’t feel any pain but the men were so frightening I must have passed out.”


When an astonished Mrs. Brandt woke up she was sitting in her own backyard!


Five hours had passed. And the only evidence that anything had ever happened to her was a very small needle mark in her right temple, newspapers reported.


“Whoever or whatever those men were I want to thank them with all my heart,” said Mrs. Brandt.




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Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames


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