Ancient Statues at Nuka Hiva Reveal Possible Race of Extraterrestrials




An island in the Pacific Ocean has an unusual heritage left behind by its mysterious inhabitants – the statues of otherworldly beings. Could these be representations of alien visitors from the distant past?

Undoubtedly, the original meaning and purpose of a great deal of ancient artwork has been lost over time. What started as an abstract representation in the mind of the ancient artist might be considered an accurate depiction of historical facts. While this might be the case with the Temehea Tohua statues, the similarity between the stone carvings and modern portrayals of extraterrestrials are striking.

The statues can be found on Nuku Hiva, the largest island of the Marquesas Archipelago in French Polynesia. Europeans reached the Marquesass in the last decade of the 16th century but the islands are thought to have been settled by Polynesians sometimes before 100 AD.

On an interesting note, in the South Marquesan dialect, the island was called Te Fenua ‘Enata, meaning “The Land of Men.”  Maybe as opposed to aliens?

Some of the ancient statues on the Nuku Hiva Island seem to depict beings from other worlds.Is it possible that inhabitants of the island have met these extraterrestrial deities?

Are they just a product of artistic imagination? Did they serve a ceremonial role and nothing more? Could they be records carved in stone as a memento of an archaic alien contact?

Some of the sculptures show beings with disproportionately large and elongated heads, gaping mouths and huge eyes. Another type shows beings with a bizarre mix of human and alien features. Some ufologists believe the statues actually depict two alien races: Reptilians and The Greys.

The Lizard People from the constellation of Draco appear in multiple conspiracy theories. Evil and manipulative, this advanced alien race is said to be secretly controlling mankind from the shadows. Did they land on the Marquesas Islands thousands of years ago, leading the locals into worshiping them as gods?

Such a hypothesis doesn’t seem too far off if we think at the extremely vast amount of water surrounding the islands. From an alien perspective, this would probably be the best place to hide your UFO while also studying the human specimens on the local islands.

Modern reports of Grey aliens describe them as 3 to 4 feet tall humanoids with large heads and huge elliptic eyes. Some of the statues bear a striking resemblance to this extraterrestrial species.

So, are these stone carvings nothing but tikis belonging to Polynesian culture or is there something more to them? One thing appears certain: the beings they depict are not human at all.

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Nancy Thames

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