Alien ET Alphabet ET Script, ET Writing and Symbolism


By Global ET Research

There is much interest concerning an alien alphabet, alien writing and ET symbols, which is why we decided to put together some credible examples of these for our readers who are searching for this information. These are by no means the only examples in existence, but we believe they are a representative sample of what abductee-experiencers have remembered. We do not proclaim to know the “true” meaning of each symbol, only what we can glean from what the experiencers and contactees tell us.

The meanings behind alien symbols and ET writing seem to remain hidden for the most part. We are certain black-budget cryptologists have gone over every symbol of this type with a fine tooth comb and might actually know more about them than we know. It seems the underlying knowledge pertaining to these writings has for the most part, been placed in our subconscious minds until it is required at a later time. This is probably done in order to protect abductee-experiencers and contactees from other humans who would do “anything” to acquire extraterrestrial and/or interdimensional knowledge, or for reasons of which we are still unaware.

Instruction through Symbolism: “Everything You Want To Know”

Extraterrestrials and Interdimensionals not only teach and communicate through symbols; they also use more direct approaches such as visions and visual symbolism such as this image.

Another example of the latter is taken from an account by AJ who has experiences with, among others, Super Conscious Beings. This Contact case reveals that the Super Conscious Beings have been with us for a very long time and are monitoring humanity’s progress.



AJ writes,

“…The Super Conscious Being then telepathically told me that all of the knowledge that humans had always wanted was contained in the human genome and it had been right before our eyes our entire existence.” © 2000


Symbols’ Meaning Placed into Subconscious

“I remember a female Being off to my right, but I can’t remember what she looked like. She was in telepathic contact with me and was giving me information. I could hear it, but the information went to another part of my brain and I was not allowed to retain conscious memory of the information. Her voice was a low, mechanical sound: a grinding sort of sound like I used to hear when I was a child and I thought I was hearing God talk to me. I distinctly remember the sound and how it made me feel and how similar it was to what I heard when I was a child.”




“I did see a tablet while this was happening. Not paper; it looked like a metal plate. It was a little larger than an 8-1/2 by 11 sheet of paper. It was light tan and had darker edges and looked like it was about 1/8 of an inch thick, maybe a little thinner. It had symbols or writing on it. This Being was saying or speaking in a low mechanical voice and at the same time, I was viewing these symbols. The entire tablet had symbols on it, but I was only able to consciously remember three of them.”





This is the third symbol AJ remembers. This symbol has also been seen by others and their symbol sets are published later in this article.

This symbol is similar to the symbol Jim Sparks identified as the letter F, but without the dots. The dots most likely have additional meaning when paired with this symbol.

Jim Sparks

Contactee Jim Sparks was taught an alien alphabet which he published in his book, The Keepers, in 2006.

This is a personal symbol that represents AJ being designated as a Navigator and Pilot of ET Craft.

Many abductee-experiencers have been shown their personal symbols that designate them as themselves. For example, “This symbol represents me – who and what I really am.”

ET Symbol - Possible Earthquake or Earth Changing Event

This is a symbol that was seen in conjunction with information relayed by an ET pertaining to a possible earthquake.

ET Writing-Alien Symbols

Writing seen by AJ while transcribing text for a group of unknown people in 1992.

Symbols seen while AJ and others participated in an ET gathering which could be interpreted as a mass alien abduction in 1994.

The Roswell I-Beam and Jessie Marcel, Jr.

“…maybe it says, ‘do not flush in zero gravity’ or something like that… and we looked at this for 10 or 15 minutes….it is something that you will remember the rest of your life, and by golly, here we are almost 60 [70] years later – it’s still there.” – Jessie Marcel, Jr.

Jessie Marcel, Jr. Speaks – Roswell: It Really Happened


“Marcel’s book, Roswell: It Really Happened, tells of his involvement in what really happened in July of 1947 when he examined the debris of a crashed interstellar ship. As one of the last survivors, and the only individual that has been acknowledged by our government to have examined and analyzed this debris, Marcel feels it’s necessary that his knowledge of the event never be lost.”

Roswell I-Beam Partially Deciphered? – 2018 Update


ET Symbols by Jim Penniston

Symbols seen during the Rendlesham Forest ET Sightings, compliments of

Jim Penniston


Nick Pope

Trianble shaped post-abduction wound

“I clearly saw the inside of my right inner arm. It had a triangle like area a little higher than my wrists. Out of each triangle corner was a little wire like thing sticking out. There was also a circle near it that looked like a scar… I pulled the little wires out of my arm on each of the little triangle points. It was pretty weird – but familiar… I’ve watched wounds they have created before, heal right before my eyes, this one was no different.” – ET Encounter by AJ

And There are Those Who Think Contact is Over? Check out these dates, the Beings and the symbols depicted.

The Following Pages are from a Source we refer to as L.W. Notice the yellow circle highlighting a similar symbol that AJ saw back in 2008.

The highlighted symbols are very similar to other abductee-experiencers’ and are considered alien writing.

The text reads:

“My planet through hidden wormhole. Aquatic breathe under water, beautiful place, huge flowers, plants, food, green and desolate also. Strange animals living, blue/green skin.”

Text Reads:

“Ant People. I’m on maybe a moon looking out to Jupiter… was lots of Ant beings around this time. Cockroaches types.”

We find this statement of particular interest. This individual saw themselves as being on a moon and seeing the planet Jupiter. That would imply that one of Jupiter’s moons is habitable and can host a human being, at least temporarily. And, the idea of traveling through a wormhole is depicted again.

Hybrid Program

Notice what appears to be a DNA strand on the left attached to containers with fetuses or babies inside them. An adult [Being?] and a young human are observing.

Again, the same symbol is depicted alongside images of insectoid or mantis Beings.

Some of these symbols are very familiar to us while others are not.

The above five illustrations were shared by a minor so we are not providing any other information in order to protect them from Internet harrassment.

An analysis of Jim Sparks’ Alien Alphabet

Unveiled Mysteries copyright 1939

Unveiled Mysteries ©1939, reveals that the Blondes or Nordic appearing Beings have been with us for a very long time. Some say they are still relaying the same old tiresome information, while others have had different types of encounters. A few examples are:

AJ and The Tall Whites

 “Henry” and his “Uh-Oh!” Tall White Encounter

More About The Tall Whites

The meanings behind alien symbols and ET writing seem to remain hidden for the most part. We are certain black-budget cryptologists have gone over every symbol of this type with a fine tooth comb and might actually know more about them than we know. It seems the underlying knowledge pertaining to these writings has for the most part, been placed in our subconscious minds until it is or will be required at a later time. This is probably done in order to protect abductee-experiencers and contactees from other humans who would do “anything” to acquire extraterrestrial and/or interdimensional knowledge, or for reasons of which we are still unaware.

Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

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You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again: you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine !

Thank You,

Nancy Thames : )

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