Australia UFO Abductions: Part 3

The third part from the archives of data on abductions by extraterrestrial beings that have been recorded in Australia.

UFO abductions in Australia: 1978, Winnum – a coastal suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, abduction of a woman and her two children

At a lecture, a middle-aged couple approached psychologist Budd Hopkins asking for advice about strange memories that were bothering them (incomprehensible nightmares). A session of regressive hypnosis was conducted during which it was revealed that the cause of the “nightmares” was abduction.

Jenny remembered that when she and her children (two sons) were on the playground, and her husband was standing a few meters away from them and was about to take their picture for the family album, a bright light appeared that transported her and the children to a UFO.

There were several small creatures on board. Jenny then found herself naked on a table and underwent a gynecological exam. She and the boys were then returned to the playground, where she saw her husband with a camera in his hand. Then everything went back to normal.

She and the children were gone for a long time, but time seemed to stop on the ground and her husband was still standing with the camera pointed at the place where they had been taken and then returned to the same place.

Under the influence of hypnosis, Sam (the husband) remembered seeing his family being taken, but he could do nothing and was completely paralyzed.

UFO abductions in Australia:1982, Queensland, abduction of a pregnant woman

A woman in her forties reported that she woke up and saw a bright light, then she found herself in a spaceship.

The beings present there, both male and female, looked human. Several other abductees were also present.

She was lying unclothed on a metal table and these beings wanted to examine her. She did not allow the beings to examine her because she was pregnant. The communication was telepathic.

The beings were very concerned that they had made a mistake, saying they should not have taken a pregnant woman. To reassure her, one of the beings showed her what the baby would look like when born, which, according to the woman, later turned out to be accurate.

A tour of the ship followed. The creatures tried to make amends for her mistake and were benevolent toward her.

Then she suddenly found herself at home in her bed.

UFO abductions in Australia:1974, Clifton Bore, New South Wales, male abduction

A man who was searching for fossils in a desert area was suddenly approached by two short beings and invited him to come with them. He could not refuse and was in a strange trance-like state. He was led into an outwardly small object that was incredibly large inside.

There were about twenty similar creatures inside as well. He was offered some kind of water-like liquid to drink, after which he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found himself on the floor of the facility. He saw two human children, both female and male, inside the cage-like structure, who seemed to be in a trance.

The man felt that he was somehow rejected by these creatures. He did not fit them for some purpose and had become of no interest to them. Suddenly a doorway opened before him. He stepped out and found himself back where he had been taken from.

Originally he was looking for fossils with his partner, but before the kidnapping they split up. As it turned out, his partner searched for him for an hour and a half without success and was very surprised when his friend “just appeared out of thin air.”

UFO abductions in Australia:1973, a woman, Winnifred K, was abducted in New South Wales

In 1973, a 40-year-old woman survived an abduction. She was sleeping at home in the suburbs, and when she woke up her first memory was that she was lying on a table in a UFO. The table was sterile, aluminum-like, in a circular room. There were three operating tables in one part of the room and chairs in the other. It was cold.

Two types of creatures were present. One type was two, 155 cm tall, with an elongated head. No mouth or nose was visible, and their ears were pulled back. They were dressed in silvery suits and moved normally.

Numerous members of another type of creature were seen. They were 145 cm tall with elongated heads. They were clumsy in their movements. The two in the silver suits seemed to be controlling them, and the lower ones were obeying them.

She saw other people, including her sister, on board, in seats attached to the wall. They seemed to be in a state of trance. The beings seemed indifferent to her and did not communicate. However, they were communicating with each other, making sounds similar to the crackling of crickets.

They were examining her, using some kind of instruments and hitting her on the stomach, although she could not see what they were doing. She does not know how she got back to bed, but she can remember being in bed and watching the little creatures move away from the room.





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You are not alone. Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know, again, you are not alone!

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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