1972 Sirian Experiment… The Most Ambiguous Cosmic Plan EVER!!!

Rare Presentation. Courtesy of Gaia.com Since ancient times, sacred sites have been be set up all over the world along a grid which needed to be completed by 1972, lest disaster befall our planet. It failed. Drunvalo Melchizedek explains how the Sirians took interest in our plight and offered a solution. Follow this link https://bit.ly/Discover_TheFlowerofLIFE to watch Drunvalo Melchizedek’s classic programming. This is your opportunity, to see and hear Drunvalo explain multifaceted subjects, stemming from Sacred Geometry, which weave an understanding of the universe and human consciousness.

Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below. Read or listen.

We are the change the world has been waiting for!

Have you witnessed an unidentified flying object?

Whether you think UFOs are black projects, extraterrestrial craft, something else altogether, or just don’t know.

Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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