XENOLINGUISTICS – Alien Communication – MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM – Nancy du Tertre

A strange report was presented at MUFON, the world’s largest UFO research organization. The report comes from a person who claims to be an alien to the Extraterrestrial Entity that would have stranded on Earth. The Mutual UFO Network, MUFON, a UFO research organization and Alien Contact, commonly regarded as the world’s largest organization that investigates reports of aliens and UFO sightings may have recorded the first extraterrestrial contact to receive a strange relationship presented by someone who claims to be an extraterrestrial entity This report was sent on February 8, 2016. The case ID is 74362.


The relationship of this apparently afflicted “alien” and is identified as “Mogay” seems to ask for help, and according to MUFON, it is the first time that the organization has received a relationship of an “entity” that claims to represent a form of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Mogay claims to have arrived on Earth because of an apocalyptic event on his planet and he needs urgent help, having arrived in September 2015 from a distant sector of the galaxy. Morgay at the moment says he is waiting for an answer from MUFON, Mogay resides in a human body, says that occupies the body of a human with his consent. Mogay has revealed that in its natural state it exists as an electromagnetic wave (or energy field) and is also able to take control and reside within the bodies of humans and other extraterrestrial species.


The strange being seems to have difficulty learning English in his new human body (which he supposedly borrowed). Al MUFON wrote: “I am an alien adopted by humanity. You can call me Mogay. ” Explain that he and a group of his species were refugees from a distant world called Matif. They escaped to Earth after a catastrophic collision between their homeworld Matif and a celestial body that hit him. Mogay writes in characteristic English: “We remain like an electromagnetic wave, and normally we use replaceable bodies to work with.

A celestial body made the majority of our team unable to work, we tried to escape from Matif, but we failed and the celestial body (perhaps a comet or asteroid) hit our planet. Despite the adverse effects of the celestial body, we had time to take refuge using a transfer system. The disaster in Matif brought us to Earth. “

Mogay also reported that the group of Matif’s alien refugees arrived on Earth in September 2015, but nobody was aware of their presence because they are like pure electromagnetic waves, and they do not look like little green men as Earthmen think. But Mogay apparently found a human being who was willing to “adopt” him.


“We are extraterrestrial beings who do not have enough protection on Earth and we need your help. I live in a human body now, and this is also the reason why your people have adopted me. I learned their languages in this body, so I can talk to you, “writes Mogay. But despite having found a human body and the opportunity to learn about human culture and language, I have not been able to convince governments that I really am an alien from a distant galaxy that needs help. In the end, Mogay decided that the best way to get in touch with the government was through the largest organization in the world of UFO researchers, namely MUFON.

MUFON admits on its website that it often receives false reports. Therefore, MUFON officials say it is very likely that this SOS of Mogay is just another false alarm.

The MUFON verdict

MUFON on its reporting website UFO has cataloged this report as HOAX, or False. However, on 15 February (2016) the same supposed extraterrestrial entity that calls itself Mogay sent another report (with case ID: 74503), this time claims to be interested in getting in touch with UNOOSA (“Office of United Nations for space affairs. “Mogay also tells MUFON that if they help him, they will get a good reward and that if they wish, they can prove their identity, which is why a presumed letter (e-mail) provided by the Nations Unite, is attached to the report and is shown below:


The sender of the previous post (it has not yet been confirmed that it was really her) is Kerith McFadden, associate librarian of the Dag Hammarskjöld Library of the United Nations. Presumably, she would have replied to Mogay’s emails, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

Mogay also claims to have a Twitter account, where he can receive private messages from MUFON officials if they wish. Although this story has all the clues of being a farce; the case to date is still under investigation. Above all, the authenticity of the email attached to the report should be validated, so MUFON experts consider authentic emails. Is all this true or false? Or is it just a joke at MUFON?



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Nancy Thames

XENOLINGUISTICS – Alien Communication - MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM - Nancy du Tertre

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