The Garden of Eden Discovered: Ancient Alien Slave Creation Colony?

Feb 6, 2021

Religion and mythology tell us of humanity’s first steps upon an abundant landscape. A careful study of our ancient texts, however, reveals a different perspective of this pristine paradise. In this inaugural episode of Ancient Civilizations, explore the Garden of Eden with scholars who go beyond accepted history and mythology to reveal a lost story of the birth of humanity. Embedded in these arcane accounts, an extraterrestrial civilization at war with itself gives rise to a human species encoded with the ability to transcend beyond the illusion of imposed limitations. TOPICS FROM THE EPISODE: ✓ The Garden of Eden’s True Location – Researchers believe 20,000 newly excavated Sumerian tablets finally show the true location of the Garden of Eden. ✓ Human Chromosome 2 – Modern experts hypothesize Human Chromosome 2 contains proof of ancient genetic tampering that irreversibly changed the course of human evolution. ✓ Adam, the First Man – Does the ancient Sumerian word “Adam” hold clues to the relationship between early humans and the Sumerian gods? ✓ Book of Genesis – Did scholars make deliberate choices to omit certain sections of the Bible’s creation story? If so, why, and to what end? Featuring: Graham Hancock, Anton Parks, Gregg Braden, Billy Carson, William Bramley, Andrew Collins

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Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Happy Quarantine

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

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