Glowing White Orb On White House Live Cam! Feb 16, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Now look at this! Its a UFO sphere on live cam, but its over the Washington DC area…not far from the US Presidential White House. That really tells me a lot right there! Aliens clearly were trying to observe and record the US presidents emotions and thought using telepathic abilities. President Biden is under a lot of stress right now from Russia wanting to go to war with Ukraine…and China doing the same with Taiwan. Stress levels in the White House right now are off the charts. Nuclear war is a possibility. And Aliens want to know, not so much for saving humanity as much as keeping their planet safe. Yes, this planet belonged to aliens long before humanity even existed. And we claim it to be ours. It’s like a kid saying the house is belongs to him…but it’s really his fathers. This video is 100% proof that aliens are watching US President Biden ever move, feeling and thought.
Scott C. Waring- Taiwan



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Unconditional love. The road we all get to walk. Unconditional love is like the sun.


Love and Regards,

Thank You,

Nancy Thames

Glowing White Orb On White House Live Cam! Feb 16, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.

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