Elon Musk Tweet Reveals Solar Warden/Earth Alliance Spacecraft

On September 23, 2021, Elon Musk tweeted a picture taken from a SpaceX civilian mission into low Earth Orbit. A close up of the picture reveals at least six cigar shaped craft traveling in formation. According to Thor Han Eredyon of the Galactic Federation of Worlds—as relayed by Elena Danaan—the craft belonged to the US Navy’s Solar Warden program and are now part of the newly formed Earth Alliance.

I have been told that Musk is constrained by Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) from revealing what he knows about the Earth Alliance, diplomatic meetings on Jupiter, extraterrestrial life, etc., but is allowed to leave clues so we can figure it out by ourselves.




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Nancy Thames

Elon Musk Tweet Reveals Solar Warden/Earth Alliance Spacecraft

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