An Interview with UFO/SSP Whistleblower Mark McCandlish on Advanced Engineering Propulsion
An Interview with UFO/SSP Whistleblower Mark McCandlish
on Advanced Energy Propulsion
I heard Mark give a talk at APEC (Alternative Engineering Propulsion Conference) hosted by Tim Ventura.
I fear that his death at age 68 on 13 April 2021 was premature.
Was he exposing too much?
Mark Mccandlish wrote to me on Messenger on 7 July 2020 about the TicTac that a friend of his saw aloft multiple times “between Redding where I live, here in Northern California, and the state capitol, Sacramento.”
Below, I present our amazing conversation:
Conversation with Mark McCandlish on 7 July 2020, the day of the Roswell crash:
Hi Mark. Do you think we are close to disclosure after the Navy’s Official recognition of UFOs?
Well, the real “hat trick” here is, those “tic tac” UFO’s are “ours”. So the disclosure process will have to run through several cycles.
First acknowledgement of the existence of these kinds of “craft,” which indirectly admits to the technology that includes a propulsion system that is capable of what is called “mass-modification” technology.
You see, mass, in physics is the very thing that produces inertia and G-forces when you turn a corner in your car or even more so in a military aircraft. I have personally experienced 9.3 G’s in the F-16 “Fighting Falcon”.
I blacked out.
The experienced Arizona Air National Guard Pilot was unfazed by the experience. If you can “modify the mass” of an aircraft– (in other words) make it somewhat less (massive), it means that the craft and its pilot or crew can withstand much higher turn rates without experiencing something in excess of 9 G’s.
Some trained observers have stated that these Tic Tac UFO’s made turns that would produce G-forces in excess of 22 G’s. (Deadly– but not so if you can modify the mass and make it far less.)
The second phase of UFO Disclosure is admitting that we have the technology, but this in turn implies very strongly that we back-engineered it from UFO’s that crashed many decades ago. I’ve seen evidence that we had possession and an understanding of such alien technology since at least the mid-1960’s (all very highly classified of course).
And the third phase of UFO/SSP (Secret Space Program) Disclosure would be that, well, yes- we did back engineer the technology from UFO crash recoveries, and yes, there is alien life “out there” in the cosmos, and it has been coming to Earth for many centuries– perhaps millennia. And some of it isn’t friendly.
Mark continued:
You may wonder how I know this.
Well, as it happens, I have a good friend who drives a semi-truck between Redding where I live, here in Northern California, and the state capitol, Sacramento. When he is coming back north in the wee hours of the morning, he frequently encounters craft that look just like the renditions of the Tic Tac UFO’s.
This typically occurs when he is around the town of Williams (on Interstate 5), and that lies maybe fifteen miles due west of Beale AFB, where the SR-71 Blackbird used to be kept and launched on surveillance missions over the former Soviet Union, Red China, and North Korea. In fact my buddy, had an encounter with one passing directly over the freeway in front of his truck at about 3:30 AM (as I was talking on the phone with him).
Thank you, Mark, for such a detailed explanation. The term “Alliance” is used today to refer to those supporting the Space Force. Could this Alliance be between humans and non-humans, who are building ARVs for both military and alien use? They provide technology. We manufacture replacement vehicles. They live below ground. We live above ground.
There is no question that there are many underground facilities, and in all likelihood connected by a vast, sophisticated tunnel system. I have not seen any direct evidence of a Human-Alien alliance, or that we are building hardware for an off-world customer. I did have a personal friend and former Green Beret, who began to open up about what he knew and participated in, starting in the mid-to-late 1970’s after his involvement in the Viet Nam War.
He claimed that back in the 1970’s the U.S. military had figured out how to move through time and space; a kind of time-space teleportation system. They could go just about anywhere or any time you can imagine. They looked far into the future (from that time) and saw the Earth as a burned out cinder. Lifeless. Then they backed up year by year until they found the cause. An alien armada showed up and began extinguishing all life and strip-mining the Earth of its resources. We had nothing (no weapons) that could pose a defense against their superior technology. So they mounted a program (Operation Pegasus) where the participants traveled back in time to Mars 65 million years ago– back when that planet had a molten core, a magnetic field and an atmosphere, along with a lush, Jurassic Park-like ecosystem.
The purpose was to begin a weapons development program, that would have literally millions of years and thousands of Human generations to create a future defense for Earth. Then, if and when breakthrough technology was ready for deployment, brought back up through time (yes, “back to the future”) to prepare for the defense of Earth.
Flying Wing by Mark Mark McCandlish
Left Wing Tip & Screen Extension by Robert D. Morningstar
This program was and is largely responsible for the majority of UFO sightings here in the present time. You may have noticed that even the UFO’s have appeared to improve in their performance and capabilities over the past sixty years. That sounds like the by-product of a Human program. You wouldn’t see that kind of thing coming from a civilization thousands or perhaps millions of years more advanced than us.
Editor”s Note: Ironically, Posted to YouTube on November 22nd 2020
In the midst of all this, the military forgot one thing: that the Humans that went back millions of years to develop weapons would themselves evolve over time– to become a more intelligent, spiritual, and psychically-capable being. Telepathy, telekinesis, healing injuries on others– the list goes on and on. In the end, it may be that the Human mind itself, in its most advanced form, is the greatest weapon we could ever hope for.
So you believe that non-humans are not working with humans?
What about MILABs (Military-Industrial Laboratories)?
Yet you admit that we are being visited by ETs. I agree that significant progress has occurred with reverse engineering of alien crashed craft. Stories coming out of people who allegedly worked at Area 51 and S4 are either true or part of the coverup program to undercut public fear of an alien presence on Earth.
In other words, nothing here to report. All UFO sightings are military craft, just classified above top secret. Then comes the questions of abductions and telepathy. Gurdjieff says that there are multiple dimensions and worlds that overlap in part, just enough to explain ghosts and parallel world encounters.
Have you ever had missing time?
I didn’t say that. What I said was: I don’t believe that Humans are building advanced technology craft for off-world entities. There’s a difference.
Sure, they might be working “together” on a variety of programs, everything from biological and ecosystem problems to advanced technology. Military abductions are very real. I have friends who have experienced them. I’ve been with a contactee during an alien abduction in December 1989, and experienced an hour of missing time. She was shown future events, including, the World Trade Center attack on 9-11-2001, the earthquake that devastated Banda Aceh, Indonesia (9.0 Richter) the earthquake that caused the great nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011.
And she saw “THE” major quake on the San Andreas Fault in California which has yet to happen. The aliens told her they would perform a “mass landing” near Mojave, California after that event.
My Special Ops friends know about the teams that perform these operations and the hand-held aerosol can they use to knock out a target instantly. Generically, it is called “The Angel of Death in a Can” or known by its chemical formula: Tryptomethylchloride.
It instantly raises Melatonin production in the body by 85%, essentially putting you to sleep. Too much will kill you. It has a chemical half-life in the body of less than five minutes, beyond which it is undetectable by pathological exam.
I never said ALL UFO reports are highly classified craft. I said a large portion of these sightings are; (about 85% are human built and operated). The other 15% are off-world or alternate dimensional entities.
Telepathy is real. Some of those advanced humans from the Mars program “Pegasus” are fully capable of this, have brought their genetic traits back up through time and have had children in the present who manifest some of these abilities. I have met a few of them.
Telepathy, healing (or killing) at a distance, telekinesis. A friend of mine was tasked with killing the last leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il by stopping his heart. He could do a consciousness insertion evaluate a person’s health status read their thoughts and help or harm as directed. He could not understand Jong Il’s thoughts, because they were in the man’s native language. Then they directed him to have a heart attack. Weeks later, the military infected my friend with genetically modified, highly virulent strain of MRSA, and he was dead three months later. That’s how they repay their assassins. I’ve experienced ghosts, and parallel world encounters, and know of a building that has a time bridge portal running through it back to the 1600’s. The “ghosts” seen there are all in colonial-era dress, and seem genuinely as frightened as the present-day residents who witness them.
On one occasion, the resident came home on his birthday, wondering why he had not heard from any from any of his friends. He entered the kitchen, put down his groceries to see his living room “…full of men and women in colonial dress, dancing to the music of a string quartet. He recognized NO ONE.
When he went to the living room doorway, and said, “Who ARE all of you people, and what are you doing in my home?” The crowd turned to gaze upon him with a look of terror, then vanished! And that wasn’t the only incident of that type.
Thank you for clarifying your statements. Much appreciated. I have a friend in Miami who is one of those ETs in a human biosuit. Would you like to hear first hand information from the alien side? I can put you in touch with her. I know she would be fascinated with your story.
Can I share our conversation with her?
Certainly. But let me ask you: How do you know that her claim is true?
She is either certifiably nuts, or the information, names of species, names of planets, names of ET contacts, and hundreds of drawings, as well as her education and history with the nuclear industry (power plants) supports her claims of government surveillance. There is an uncanny correlation with what other ET contacts and insiders have disclosed, but with a level of personal detail only someone who flies with her ET handlers almost weekly at night could know.
As an observer, her story is amazing. George Filer recommended her to me. She claims to be the only one of her kind, and was put on Earth as a portal guard at her home in Miami, where with an exotic tropical garden and crystal layout she says she is a “Soldier Sentry.”
I’d rather not get involved with any of that. By the way, I have to get back to work … Perhaps we can continue at another time.
O.K. Thanks … Let’s do that.”
End of Conversation
Bruce Cornet, Phd.
In Memoriam
Mark McCandlish
Editor’s Note:
Mark McCandlish died on April 13th, 2021 in his home on Redding, CA of a shotgun blast to the head.
Shasta County Coroner’s official report cites his death as a “Suicide” from self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Mark McCandlish spoke to his friend, Rick Price, late that day (April 13th) and Mark told him that he was going to rest and would call him later. Mark also spoke to his girlfriend later and told her that he would speak to her when he went to work at her animal shelter. When Mark did not show up for work and he failed to call her, Mark’s girlfriend, who had a key to his home, went there to look for him, and found his body, dead from a gunhot wound to his head.
A colleague of Mark McCandlish, a member of a UFO/SSP Disclosure group with which Mark McCandlish was associated, wrote on May 10th, 2021:
“Regarding Mark McClandlish suicide with shotgun blast to his head. He was going to testify for Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June. His testimony would have destroyed the “we haven’t made much progress” narrative. Also the one who showed the Tic Tac was actually USAF SSP drone … That would also destroy that narrative, came out and reversed and said he made it up. Mark probably didn’t go along. It’s an agenda. It’s complicated for sure.”
@ www.Revolution.Radio
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Nancy Thames